Make a Booking
If you are planning a wedding, family party or business away day and would like to discuss your package with us or have any questions we’ll be happy to help so please contact us. If you know what you want, please go to the Calendar and Events to check availability and then complete the appropriate booking form. You must confirm that you’re clear about our Conditions for Hire SVH Conditions of Hire (March 21) and Things to do before you leave.
When calculating your booking period, make sure you allow time to set up and clear up. Please note that the large event package is for a single event for 1.5 days and the wedding package is for 3.5 days. Extra time for these is charged at the hourly rate.
Hire costs are on the booking forms below. Once we have received and confirmed your booking we will invoice you for the appropriate amount which you can then pay by cheque or BACS.
Book online using the links below
Non-Residents Booking
The on-line booking for to be used by those not resident within the parish of Sydling St. Nicholas.
Residents & Regular Users Booking
The on-line booking for to be used by those who are resident within the parish of Sydling St. Nicholas.
To submit a paper form
Use these links to download, complete and print the appropriate form.